English Conversation: Face to Face
報名留位必須經過 EventBrite: https://vkaenglishconvo.eventbrite.ca/
- Want to improve your English speaking skills but have nobody to practice with?
- Afraid of conversing in English because you are shy or worried about how other people might see you?
- Always concerned about grammar or vocabulary and therefore, not confident in making English conversations?
Then you need to come join us at “English Conversation Face-to-Face”! “English Conversation Face-to-Face” is a no-judging, no-teaching session where you have plenty of opportunities to speak in English via playing games in small groups. You get to meet other like-minded people wanting to improve their English conversation skills. All levels of English speaking skills are welcome.
First Session
Date and Time: Mar 25 (Sat) 10:30AM – 12:30PM
Venue: Waterfront Centre Food CourtTags:
街坊報稅 Q&A Part 2
上次報稅Q&A反應非常熱烈,徇眾要求我哋再次請黎註冊會計師 Yuki Wong 交流!
日期: 3月13日(星期一)
時間: 7:00pm
平台: Discord直播鳴謝:Yuki Wong , CPA @ Kingsmen Consulting CPA Professional Corp (Personal, Corporate, Estate, and International Tax Specialist)
御冬送暖,街坊同行(Coldest Night of the Year)
街坊會將於2月25日,連續第二年參加「全年最冷一夜」(Coldest Night of the Year)年度全國籌款步行,需要你的加入支持!今次我哋會移師到 #溫哥華市東 區域,同其他在地組織一齊步行。
1) 距離與路線
今年終於用返「行大隊」參與方式行2公里或者5公里。你可以同我哋一齊行,或者自己行完打咭都得!我哋一行人會喺當日下晝 4:00pm 喺出發/完成點 312 Main St. Vancouver BC V6A 2T2集合登記,然後同其他社區參與者一齊行5公里。
http://walk.w-ith.me/VKA2) 捐款
介紹返呢度嘅受惠機構 First United:
First United Church Community Ministry Society (commonly known as First United) is an inner- city ministry of the United Church of Canada committed at its heart to the struggle for social justice, offering programs of advocacy, housing and healing in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES). In general, we serve adults with complex needs. We have served this community for 135 years, pioneering innovative responses to community needs.