溫哥華街坊會 Vancouver Kaifong Association


Preserve, Embrace, Synergize


溫哥華街坊會 — 主席報告










- 按照年度計劃,秉承「傳承、接納、共融」的口號,組織了近60個活動。

- 加入新型活動,例如安排旅遊巴接送的「春季BC考古之旅」體驗 Fort Langley 以及Powerhouse at Stave Falls、有多個不同活動進行如室外瑜珈、童話故事、寫生的夏季野餐活動、到紅莓農場體驗本地農作等等。

- 加強注重港人移民的身心健康,舉辦多個網上及實體講座、涵蓋精神健康、秋冬保健、關節健康、瑜珈體驗班及泰拳體驗班等,在按摩治療及針灸等服務亦透過付費會員計劃提供會員優惠。

–  加強與社區組織的合作,並參加例如是 “Coldest Night of the Year” 全國性籌款活動,支持服務市中心東區的慈善機構First United。



–  我們舉辦了有關廣東話正字的講座,並請來著名配音員張雪儀擔任嘉賓;也請來了由資深教育工作者組成的「語你童行」向移民港孩以廣東話說童話故事。這些活動有助保存並傳揚我們的語言文化,並讓街坊會員為此感到自豪。

–  支持各種香港和廣東話相關的文化活動,例如積極支持年度盛事「香港人市集」、協力宣傳各種香港文化活動,例如是跨校粵語歌唱比賽、傳奇人物李小龍特別展覽及講座、港人樂隊演出等等,突顯港人文化及藝術根源,並鼓勵廣東話文化之傳承。

– 本年重點活動之一為街坊會主辦的《毒舌大狀》北美慈善首映會。當晚不但坐無虛席,更獲得社區商戶熱情贊助營運資金。此活動不但富有娛樂性,也增添了身為香港人的共同回憶。


–  擁抱多元包容,面對部份社群成員對於性別和性傾向平權教育的質疑,街坊會舉辦了全加僅此一場的SOGI 1 2 3網上對話,請來非二元性別人士吳家霖擔任嘉賓,並由著名時事評論人姚永安先生主持節目。本會希望透過對話和互相認識,推動港人移民的理解和互相接納,令社群和加拿大社會的平等觀念看齊,人人得以受到接納和尊重。

–  為加深對溫哥華社會問題的認識,我們安排由資深戒毒社工 Philip 帶領街坊走訪社區,揭開外界對於温哥華市中心東區(DTES)毒品及露宿者問題的神秘面紗,增加對本地社會不同階層的認知及反思。

–  推動對原住民的真相與和解,我們與溫哥華博物館合作舉辦粵語原住民文化工作坊,讓街坊認識大溫土地上的原住民文化和生活,落實街坊會擁抱加國歷史、多元與其他社群建立聯繫的承諾。

– 我們在本年也舉辦了多場不同主題例如是市政選舉的講座,為街坊提供一個理解社會和加強對新家園歸屬感的平台。


– 街坊會與華埠掌故以及溫哥華博物館合作,舉辦粵語導賞團,鼓勵會員了解溫哥華和唐人街歷史,認識華人移民的掙扎與成就。這些經驗促進對我們集體歷史的共同理解,讓社區各世代互相認識。

– 我們與社區組織例如Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House、溫哥華博物館、華埠掌故等機構保持合作;參與全北美步行籌款活動譬如Coldest Night of the Year,集合港人移民社區力量,貢獻本地社會。

– 舉辦定期活動例如每月最後一個週六舉辦的”The English Conversation: Face to Face”以及逢第二個星期日舉辦的「香港人社區空間」,提供持續的機會讓街坊互相認識、分享交流在地資訊,並加強人際網絡。

– 總括而言,我們堅守街坊會以傳承、接納、共融的承諾為目標,創造更有活動和包容的港人移民社區,並積極投入到加國社會之中,共同貢獻新家園,擁抱本國推崇的多元文化並把我們的獨特文化能夠傳承下去。








我由衷感謝兩位執委Jacky Leung與和Guy Ho,以及我們努力盡責的義工團隊、街坊朋友及支持本會的社區人士和商家。我迫不及待地期待著我們社區更加光明的未來。




President’s Report 2023

Dear VKA Members,

I am Henry Lam, Founder and President of the Vancouver Kaifong Association. It is my honor to present the President’s Report for our organization’s third year and for the first year as a registered non-profit society.


Vancouver Kaifong Association was founded in November 2020 and became a registered not-for-profit organization in British Columbia in October 2022. Our mission is to connect Hong Kong newcomers and allies across British Columbia, fostering a vibrant community, and preserving Hong Kong identity. We encourage Kaifongs  (neighbours on the block who watch each other’s backs) to support each other with their skills, knowledge, and networks, aiming for them to integrate into local communities and embrace Canadian values.


In our third year, we experienced significant growth, launching a groundbreaking paid membership plan on April 1st. This initiative aimed to connect new and old Hong Kong immigrants and merchants, establishing a stronger Hong Kong community. We now boast 25 merchants and over 300 members.

Team Building:

We have built a robust team of 40 dedicated volunteers who have been instrumental in our success. We have organized 3 internal events for training and team building purposes.

Events and Initiatives:

– Organized nearly 60 diverse events following our yearly plan aligned with our slogan “Preserve, Embrace, Synergize.”

– Introduced innovative events such as a coach travel trip to Fort Langley, a summer picnic, and a visit to a Cranberry Bog to immerse Kaifongs in local farming.

– Hosted webinars on mental health, winter health care, and yoga experiences, demonstrating our commitment to Kaifongs’ well-being.

– Expanded collaborations with community organizations and participated in events like Coldest Night of the Year to support First United in the Downtown Eastside.

Preservation, Embrace, Synergize


– We conducted insightful talks about the richness of the Cantonese language, inviting renowned voice-over artist Winnie Cheung to share her expertise. These sessions aimed to preserve and celebrate our linguistic heritage, fostering a sense of pride among our members.

– In a show of support for cultural events, VKA actively participated in the Hong Kong Fair. We also assisted in promoting various events, such as UBCxSFU a compelling Bruce Lee Talk, highlighting the cultural icons that connect us to our roots.

– A noteworthy achievement was hosting the North American Premiere of the Hong Kong movie “A Guilty Conscience,” drawing a full house attendance. This cultural endeavor not only entertained but also contributed to the preservation of our collective identity.


– Embracing diversity and inclusion, VKA organized an impactful SOGI 1 2 3 online discussion session with Non-binary activist Kalum Ng, hosted by renowned commentator Gabriel Yiu. This event fostered understanding and acceptance within our community, promoting an environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

– To deepen our understanding of social issues in Vancouver, we arranged a guided tour by a social worker in the Downtown Eastside. This eye-opening experience allowed our members to connect with the broader community and empathize with the challenges faced by residents.

– Workshops facilitated by the Museum of Vancouver provided valuable insights into the culture of indigenous people, emphasizing the importance of Truth and Reconciliation. These initiatives underscore VKA’s commitment to embracing diversity and building bridges between communities.

– We organized webinars on diverse topics, such as local municipal elections and showcased the success story of a local Hong Kong artist who rose to become a provincial Artist in Residence, providing a platform for our members to engage with and embrace their new Canadian home.


– VKA facilitated guided tours at the Museum of Vancouver and the Chinatown Storytelling Centre, encouraging members to learn about the history of Vancouver and the struggles and triumphs of its first Chinese settlers. These experiences aimed to synergize our community by fostering a shared understanding of our collective past.

– Our collaboration efforts expanded with organizations such as Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House, Museum of Vancouver, and the Chinatown Storytelling Centre. By participating in events like Coldest Night of the Year, we synergized our efforts to raise funds for First United in the Downtown Eastside, exemplifying the power of collective action.

– Routine events like “The English Conversation: Face to Face” and “Hong Konger Community Space” were held monthly, providing consistent opportunities for Kaifongs to synergize, share knowledge, and strengthen their networks.

– In essence, our commitment to Preservation, Embrace, and Synergize is at the heart of VKA’s mission, creating a vibrant and inclusive community that celebrates our shared heritage while embracing the diversity that defines us.

Financials and Scholarships:

Successfully raised close to $8,000 from the community to support our operations and events. With prudent financial stewardship, up to the end of September, we have $7,000 rollover in the bank account. Established our first scholarship, awarding $2,000 to two successful Hong Kong overseas students.

Future Plans:

Explore expanding service areas to include Coquitlam, Surrey, with the support of volunteers and Kaifongs. Investigate ways to further assist the Hong Kong immigrant community, especially those who have recently arrived. We will look into more sources of income, such as Government funding and banking services.

Transition and Future Outlook:

As Guy and I embark on a new chapter in our life in Canada, I anticipate a natural transition for VKA. We will shift into mentor mode to ensure a strong team is in place. With new directors onboard, I eagerly anticipate an exciting new chapter for our association.


I extend my sincere thanks to director Jacky Leung and Guy Ho, our dedicated volunteer team, fellow Kaifongs, and supporting merchants. I eagerly anticipate a brighter future for our community.

Thank you,

Henry Lam

Founder and President

Vancouver Kaifong Association (VKA)


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