感謝各位街坊身體力行,冒住風雪參加喺溫哥華市中心東部舉行嘅 “the Coldest Night of the Year” 活動 @cnoyorg @dtesdirvancouver 並捐助俾受惠機構 @firstuniteddtes 好希望藉今次機會俾大家了解吓唐人街、城東、以及 First United 喺社區做緊嘅工作,希望移民到呢度嘅香港人可以為本地社區出一分力。
Great job, fellow Hong Kong-Canadians! Thank you for joining us in the #cnoy23 walk. As the #VKA team captain, I am thrilled to have initiated a dialogue among our “Kaifongs” (neighbors in Cantonese) about important issues like #chinatownvancouver, #dtes, and #firstunited.
I look forward to continuing this conversation with all parties involved and working together to make a positive impact in our community.